Setup Guide

Portmod has two different levels of configuration: Prefixes, and profiles.

Prefixes are user-created and allow multiple configurations to exist side-by-side on a system.

Profiles are defined by the repository, and provide default settings for a prefix.

Game-specific Guides

Some game engines have their own setup guides which provide information specific to that game engine.

See The Wiki for details.

Creating a prefix

You can create a prefix using the command portmod init <prefix> <arch>.

<prefix> is the name of the prefix you want to create. This name can be arbitrary, but it is recommended, unless you are intending on setting up multiple prefixes for the same architecture, to use the architecture as the prefix name (e.g. openmw).

<arch> is the architecture of the prefix (i.e. the game engine). Known supported architectures are listed in profiles/arch.list, but you may want to consult the specific package repository you are using.

Unless you pass the --no-confirm argument to portmod init, it will prompt you to select package repositories and a profile. Details on how to do this manually are provided in the sections below.

Optionally, you can include a directory as a third argument to portmod init. Doing so will install the prefix into that directory, something which is necessary for certain DRM systems where the game can only be launched if the files are in a certain place (and also removes the need to copy source files for engines which don’t support any sort of virtual file system).

Add and Synchronize Package repositories

You can use the command portmod <prefix> select repo list to list available repositories, and add them using portmod <prefix> select repo add <repo>, where repo is either the name of the repo, or the number in the list.

This will both initialize and synchronize the selected repository, and add it to the REPOS variable in your prefix’s portmod.conf. Repositories are shared between prefixes, but only those listed in REPOS will be used.

Select a Profile

The profile provides default settings that are tailored for your game setup. See Profiles for details about the different profile options.

In addition to during prefix initialization, you can use portmod <prefix> select profile list to see a list of available profiles, and portmod <prefix> select profile set NUM can be used to select the profile you want.

Install System packages

Most profiles require certain “system” packages, which are necessary for the proper generation of configuration files and the proper functioning of mods after they have been installed.

Once prefix creation is complete you should install these system packages by performing a world update: portmod <prefix> merge --update --deep @world (or portmod <prefix> merge -uD @world).

Technically, --deep and --update are not necessary the first time, as they have no effect on packages which have not been installed, however it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with this command since it also is how you should install package updates.

(Optional) Creating a Prefix Alias

For users of shells other than bash, you will need to look elsewhere for this information, and note that other unix shells have similar features, though the syntax may vary. Consult your shell’s documentation for information on how to create aliases.

If you use the bash shell, you can create an alias for prefix-related commands by adding alias <alias_name>="portmod <prefix>".

For example, for an openmw prefix, you could do the following:

alias omw="portmod openmw"

This would allow you to use the command omw merge in place of portmod openmw merge.

You could even create an alias for each of the subcommands (“merge”, “select”, “search”, “query”, “use”). E.g. alias omwmerge="portmod openmw merge".

Note that the documentation on this wiki will not assume that you have created an alias, and will always give the command in full.